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Newspaper Giant’s New Editorial Approach Creates Crisis Communications Challenges

By Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications – Surprise! Fewer and fewer newspaper readers pore over editorial pages. So many fewer, that publishing giant Gannett recently announced a sweeping change in its approach to editorials, op-eds and political endorsements. Gannett says its readers don’t want to be told what to think – that editorial content is frequently the […]

Why Should Your School Reach Out To a Crisis Communications Firm?

By Stephanie York, JD, Hennes Communications Quick – What’s the single highest priority for a superintendent, head of school or board president?  It’s not education.  It’s safety. And just one part of that safety net is making sure you have a pre-written crisis communications plan at your fingertips – or at least the phone number […]

Personal Crisis: You Lose Your Job. A Media Training Technique Can Help You Get a New Gig

by Howard Fencl, Hennes Communications Let’s step away from talking about crises your company may face and talk about a personal crisis that millions of us face – the threat of job loss. With the COVID pandemic, job loss went viral. Millions of Americans lost their jobs to COVID. Most of us don’t have any control […]

Florida School Board Association Partners with Hennes Communications to Provide Issues Management Crisis Management & Communications Services to Members

There are scores of reasons why your district can be thrust into the news. Lawsuit…sports controversy…social media threats…active shooter… board-superintendent clash…criminal accusation…discrimination complaints…diversity issues…FERPA or HIPAA violation…fiscal mismanagement…protest… sexual misconduct…student newspaper story…challenging conversations… testing controversy…union grievance/strike… Suddenly, there’s a TV crew in the parking lot, your local newspaper is on Line One and the situation […]

7 Tips for Organizational Resilience All Year Round

From Mitch Mitchell, writing for Security Magazine… History has taught security teams that crisis situations can happen at any time and more frequently than anyone can anticipate. However, when a crisis does occur, organizations find themselves in a situation where survival is the main focus — the unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic being […]

Attention Ohio Mayors & City Managers

A Crisis Can Occur Anytime & Anywhere In the immediate aftermath of a major incident, such as a mass shooting at a mall, restaurant, school, or faith-based location, the police chief and other first responder agencies will likely be lead spokespersons.  But “major incidents” could turn into multi-day or multi-week events.  Some of those include […]

The Role of the Board in Preparing for Extraordinary Risk

From Nora Aufreiter, Celia Huber and Ophelia Usher writing for McKinsey & Co…. The pandemic has been a stark reminder for many organizations that they are insufficiently prepared for crises that could not merely destabilize them but put them out of business. In this episode of the Inside the Strategy Room podcast, our board perspective series looks at […]

How Crises Affect Law Firm Leaders — and Some Helpful Resources

By Gina Rubel, writing for Attorney at Work… I’ve been thinking about what it means to lead a company through crises and how each crisis affects law firm leaders. A few years ago, I believed I had handled just about every type of crisis conceivable. How wrong I was. In recent years, we have dealt […]

For Spotify, ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ is an Object Lesson In Fumbling Crisis Communications

Thom Fladung, Hennes Communications Spotify, the streaming service that provides music and podcasts to hundreds of millions of users, has lately been providing a different service: A guide to mishandling a reputational crisis. For almost a month now, Spotify has lurched from one thorny situation to another centered on the popular “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, […]

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