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Are Women Leaders More Calm In A Crisis? 6 Tips On Keeping Cool

From Michelle Weldon, writing in Take the Lead:

Gender may or not play a role in how a leader handles a crisis, but as a women leader, you can decide how you will behave. And it is likely you will have a crisis on your hands eventually.

“A disaster is a moment of truth for an organization. It’s a time when competent leaders prove their mettle and when pretenders reveal their impotence. Data breaches, customer service debacles, recall fiascos — crises are everywhere, and countless institutions have been sunk by an unseen bombshell. But in many cases, it isn’t the crisis itself that causes an organization to flounder; too often it’s a leader’s response to the crisis that causes the greatest damage,” writes Karima Mariama-Arthur, founder and CEO of WordSmithRapport in Entrepreneur.

Here are five tips from experts on how best to handle a crisis on your watch. It does not have to be life or death, but a crisis can have grave consequences professionally, economically and personally. It’s best to know how to manage yourself and your team during such chaotic times.

To read the entire article, click here.

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