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The Art of Eye Contact

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it over and over and over again:  eye contact is of paramount importance.  Here’s what Inc. Magazine had to say on the subject:

As a communication specialist, I can tell you how to craft compelling presentations, share powerful stories, and build brand messages. All that work is worthless if you violate one cardinal rule of body language: making eye contact. The art of eye contact is an art worth studying.

Like it or not, people will judge you and your message based largely on eye contact. In one study, investors watching CEOs give their IPO roadshow presentations formed impressions of the CEO very quickly–in as little as 30 seconds. Their perceptions were based largely on non-verbal impressions, most notably, “eye gaze.”

Study after study confirms the importance of eye contact in business environments. According to a survey of recruiting professionals, 68 percent said “avoiding eye contact” is one of the biggest mistakes job candidates make.

These four tips will help you achieve the right amount of eye contact in nearly every business interaction.

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